Presbytery Of Alford-The Cabrach



CABRACH church is dedicated to the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY.

This is reckoned the coldest parish in this diocese : being wholly enclosed with hills, the soil being very mossy, frosts here quite kill the corn, but in warm years ther is a double increase.

LESSMURDIE, the seat of Stewart of Lessmurdie.(2)

SOCCOTH and BALCHIRIE, belonging to Gordon of Baldornie.

[Carta Willelmi comitis de · Douglas · (3)(A.D. 1374.)

Robertus etc · Omnibus etc · Sciatis nos dedisse etc · dilecto consanguieno nostro · Willelmo comiti de Douglas · Omnes et singulas terras foreste de Cabrauche ac dimidiam dauatam terre de Auchmayre cum seruicio libretenentis alterius medietatis dicte dauate que dicitur Clouethe · cum pertinenciis infra vicecomiatum de Banff que fuerunt Dauid Brovne de Glendrisona · et quas idem Dauid nobis sursum reddidit et resignauit · Tenendas et habendas eidem Willelmo heredibus suis et suis assignatis de nobis et heredibus nostris ·in feodo et hereditate · Faciendo inde seruicia debita et consueta · · In cuius rei testimonium etc · Testibus etc · Apud Edynburghe · nono die Januarij · anno regni nostri · Tercio · ]

[Google Translate: Carta Willelmi comitis de Douglas

Robertus etc Omnibus etc Sciatis nos dedisse etc dilecto consanguieno nostro Willelmo comiti de Douglas Omnes et singulas terras foreste de Cabrauche ac dimidiam dauatam terre de Auchmayre cum seruicio libretenentis alterius medietatis dicte dauate que dicitur Clouethe cum pertinenciis infra vicecomiatum de Banff que fuerunt Dauid Brovne de Glendrisona et quas idem Dauid nobis sursum reddidit et resignauit Tenendas et habendas eidem Willelmo heredibus suis et suis assignatis de nobis et heredibus nostris in feodo et hereditate Faciendo inde seruicia debita et consueta In cuius rei testimonium etc Testibus etc Apud Edynburghe nono die Januarij anno regni nostri Tercio]

[Previous Section]

  1. ["The parioch of Cabrach is in the diocese of Aberdeen, and partly in that shire, namely, the south side of Doveran ; and partly in Bamfshire, namely, the north side of Doveran. The church lyes upon the river of Royster, twenty-eight miles north-west from Aberdeen. Gentlemens seats here are, Lismurdie, four miles east, The Soccoch, five miles east from the church, both on the north side of Doveran. The water Royster takes its rise eleven miles west from the church, at the head of Old Doveran, in a hill called Craigensiore, and after running two miles east, takes in the brook of Lerkindie, (which arises from Monk Medden, two miles south,) and other two small brooks which spring out of The Buck, about a mile south likewise. Then, continuing its course by the church, it runs streight north two miles, till it meet with The Black Water, another large river, which takes its rise in a hill called The Klymach in Glenlivet, six miles west from the church ; and, after mixing here with Royster, they take together the common name of Doveran, and run streight east by Lismurdie and The Soccoch three miles, into the parioch of Glass. The parioch is like one entire cluster of hills ; the chief of which are Craigensiore, four miles west ; Moth-medden, two miles south ; and the vast mountain called The Buck, one mile south, from the church. There is a great wood in Old Doveran, and a forrest, where there is frequent resort of deer, roes, heath-fowl, and other game ; which, with cattle, sheep, goats, butter, cheese, and wool, are the commodities of the place. There is a highway south and north to Elgine, and passes by the church, near which there is an inn for entertainment". (Description of the parish of Cabrach, [written about 1725] in Macfarlane's Geographical Collections, MS.)] 

  2. ["There are some remains of a chapel and burial ground on the north bank of the Dovern, near Lesmurdie". (The New Statistical Account of Scotland, number xxxviii., p. 197. Edinb. 1842.)] 

  3. [From the Registrvm Magni Sigilli, p. 104. See also Robertson's Index to the Charters, p. 139.]